How @Curlbox Founder @Myleik Teele is shaping millennial entrepreneurs with her #MyTaughtYou Mentoring Brand

Myleik Teele is a brand GENIUS. Avid Reader. CEO. Business Owner. Mentor in my head. Girl Boss! Bout her BUSINESS. Straight Shooter. Just LOVE HER!


At The Ladies of Business Conference, I had the pleasure of having a 1 x 1 with Myleik to ask her a few minor questions (nothing too pressing, because I sure could have talked to her all night).

Your My Taught You brand is very transparent- Mentoring to everyone, what made you choose this as your next venture after CurlBox?

Myleik: I probably was doing My Taught You before CurlBox, and I think CurlBox just got so big that it eclipsed what I was doing before, but I was always doing it. I grew up from a very private mother and I used to feel like– the pain is in the secrets. If people think they know things about you or they feel like they can say something to you—it kind of over powers you and I’m just like.. this is who I am, this is what I struggle with- I’m no different than anybody else. You can still succeed after failing. You can succeed and make mistakes, you know what I mean? I felt like as a young woman of color that it was something that was so necessary.

Why did you choose your demographic to be young women of color?

Myleik: Because I felt like growing up I didn’t have that. I grew up in Los Angeles and a lot of the women who helped me get ahead professionally were not black women. They were white women, Jewish women, like people out in Hollywood—those were the people who took a chance on me. So for me, I asked what would happen if we took a chance on each other? We are so afraid to, for a HOST of reasons but it’s kind of like—feeling like I’m so committed to helping young women of color, heal themselves, access themselves, take inventory- so that they can live a full life, because so many of us feel like we aren’t living a full life.

What was one of your biggest entrepreneurial mistakes thus far and how did you bounce back?

Myleik: At the very beginning of my career, I used to—Everything that everybody said hit me so hard, and I used to be so hard. I used to be the “Meek Mill” of this whole thing. Running on twitter and type typing and it’s like “oh my God,” and I was so young! And It’s like you don’t think it’s going to hurt until someone kicks you in the heart and you’re like fuck this—I’m ready to fight anybody. I learned that when people— what people say about you says more about them than it does about you. And once you know that people are speaking from their insecurities, their pain, their whatever you go—girl this ain’t even about me!

Isn’t she just marvelous? Even in a brief moment – she drops so many gems!

At the conference in her keynote address, Teele explained how she continues to trail blaze in her business, remaining current, innovative and fresh. She also shared key tips to successful networking, and poured words of encouragement into a room full of current and aspiring women entrepreneurs.

Be sure to check out her podcast, an check out some of the #CurlBox and #MyTaughtYou hashtags on Instagram and Twitter!



The Leap Of Faith Series: “On the Edge”

Have you ever had everything going well in your life, but so unhappy that you contemplate giving it up and walking away?
You may be on the edge.

Do you feel a burning passion within you that you want to pursue but you’re too afraid to do so?
You may be nearing discontentment.

Are you sitting on an idea or dream but fail to pursue it because of finances, timing, fear or some other excuse?
Let’s talk about it.


I’m a dreamer. I love to be around dreamers; but I’m also a doer, and doing draws the line between wanting change, and experiencing it.

Growing up, I always wanted to do a lot. I’m a natural leader, I’m ambitious, and dangerous when motivated.

I discovered my love for writing back in high school when I became a staff writer & editor. My love for the craft developed further in college as I pursued a degree in journalism.

I was born and raised in Cincinnati but after getting a taste of life outside of Ohio and the US, I began to itch for something bigger, something better. As a writer in Ohio I felt small. I felt as if I had no influence, or opportunity, unless I wanted to be a local news reporter for some news station and report on accidents, which wasn’t in my career plan.

I stayed content with my musings on my personal blog, however the more I stayed stagnant, the more I became hungry for a change, and that’s when I decided it may be time to start pursuing more out of my life.

Of the many people I’ve spoken with who desire more out of life, oftentimes they struggle with living the life others see or want for them; not the life they desire for themselves.

This is where CHANGE comes in.

If you CHANGE your way of thinking, your possibilities could be endless. Start putting yourself at the forefront and make sure everything you work towards makes you happy. As you start making smaller changes, you align yourself for bigger opportunities down the line.

Take a moment and answer these questions (feel free to share some of your answers in the comments):

  1. Am I happy with everything in my life right now? Are there areas in my life where I can use some encouragement to promote change?
  2. Am I walking in my true purpose in life? What are my immediate goals?
  3. If I had to do what I’m doing now for the rest of my life, will I regret it?

Take some time to think and meditate on those answers and stay tuned in the city for conversations about growth, opportunity, and change.

Get focused, get motivated, and get ready for change! 

** “The Leap of Faith series” is a series of essays telling stories of how I, as well as others saw things within our lives and took the initiative to change and accept more opportunity. Every day I encounter people who are fed up in their situations, and upset as they feel they are not fulfilling their true life’s purpose. In the series of essays, I will be sharing the story of what led up, some steps of planning I took, and everything else leading up to that leap. Be sure to check back here, and direct, tag, repost, or share with friends who can benefit from the series!

xo. – Lo