Cheers to you, Lo!


I’m so very proud of how far I’ve come and the woman I am becoming. If I had to sum up my feelings towards myself, it would be true love. I can’t imagine how at one point in life I was so unappreciative of myself, and my life.. but I thank God for not giving up on me, and making those experiences make me more wise and strong.

Twenty-five was almost my most thrilling, yet dramatic year. I gained a lot, I learned a lot, and I lost a lot. But most importantly, I grew.

So Cheers to you, Alicia Renee. Remain vivacious. Fierce. Curious. Free-spirited. Boss minded. Ambitious. Focused. A go-getter. Independent. Purpose-filled. Brag worthy. Inspirational. 

And if no one ever notices, or cares, or says it.. I’m proud of you, for every leap and jump you’ve made. For every sacrifice you’ve made and decision, good and bad.

Keep marching to the beat of your own drum.


Alicia Renee


Sound Off!