Glitter bombing is the NEW black!

Do your friends occasionally annoy the living daylights out of you?

Do you have their addresses?

Do you want to annoy them back?
If you answered yes to those questions, you are just as petty as I am and that is absolutely fine. I like people petty, the pettier the better, lol.

After some late night world-wide web fishing, I stumbled across a way to be far mOrE petty to my friends and surpass their expectations of me.

My discovery you ask? Glitter bombing

A brief Google search should return many ways that one can participate in glitter bombing. My weapon of choice was sending my ‘enemy’ a glitter bomb

While I will never admit to my friend I was the one who sent it (and she’ll never know because she doesn’t read my website [shade]) however, listening to her complain about when she opened it was probably one of the funniest things to happen in a while.

The process is easy, you enter your payment information, the recipients address and voila. Wait for the magic to happen. Now, if your friends are as vocal as mine, you’ll be sure to hear about your package being delivered. If they keep embarrassing things to themselves, well, maybe you just have to settle with knowing the mission was accomplished.

The most rewarding part? Your friend who annoyed you… being annoyed back 10-fold covered in annoying glitter that is hard to get rid of.
Happy pranking!

One thought on “Glitter bombing is the NEW black!

  1. So I def glitter bombed these two trolls I used to work with. They made my life a living hell so when I got another position at another company, I sent them glitter cylinders courtesy of Send Your Enemies (its a real website…dnt know if they send glitter anymore)…but uh yeah. Glitter!


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